Sunday, September 15, 2019


It's Deja Vu. AGAIN!

I initially thought I was being a bit sarcastic when I subtitled last week's Progress Report ♫If it
weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all,♫ which is also a line from an old Hee Haw routine.
However life seemed to have other ideas, for I not only had to deal with everything I was originally aware of that might interfere with chances to write, but by Wednesday I also wound up with a nasty head cold too!
Of course, I did not set out to get a head cold.
No one in their right mind does that, and I am certainly sane.
But regardless of what I wanted, I got one anyway. 😡
The sinus pressure alone kept me from wearing my reading glasses most of the time, which also kept me from seeing computer screens, the newspaper, etc.
So... no writing. 😢
I am thankfully feeling better now.
Hopefully by tomorrow I can sit at the computer long enough to seriously get back to writing.
It was all I could do yesterday to attempt taking care of The Free Choice E-zine as its Editor-In-Chief.

In any event, take care and I'll see you around the Internet.
Lee Houston, Junior
15 September, 2019

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