Sunday, July 30, 2023


 Unfortunately, it wasn't one of my better weeks writing wise. 😕

I had an Errand Day, a Doctor's Appointment Day, a Couldn't Work Because of the Storm Knocking Out the Electricity Day, and a Household Chores Day.
The Every Day Stuff (eating, sleeping etc.) are givens but still eat into my overall time too.

Except for Storm Knocking Out the Electricity Day, I did manage to get some writing done here and there, but my biggest accomplishment was officially deciding where Chapter 24 ended and Chapter 25 began on SOLITAIRE 2: THE AGENDA. While the word count is higher than last time, it's still in the 41,000+ range.

But hey, that's life.
It sure beats the alternative!💀

In any event I better get back to writing now.
Take care.
And I'll see you around the Internet.

Lee Houston, Junior
30 July, 2023

Have you gotten your copy of Solitaire's debut novel yet?

Sunday, July 23, 2023


 It was another mixed week, writing wise.
Other than Errands Day, the on again/off again weather (hot or rainy. Which do you prefer?) kept me in so I managed to break the 41,000+ word mark on SOLITAIRE 2: THE AGENDA.

On the other hand, housework isn't much fun regardless of what you're doing or why, so I wasn't always at the keyboard writing when I was home.
Yet it's probably going to be a couple of centuries before I can consider hiring a maid on even a part time basis, while dirty dishes and laundry don't clean themselves. 😒

In any event, let's all try to have a better week this week than last week for next week. 😕
And for those keeping track, this is Writing Blog Post #555! 🥳🎉

Take care.
And I'll see you around the Internet.

Lee Houston, Junior
23 July, 2023

Sunday, July 16, 2023


 Things are going great on the writing front at the moment! 😀
Especially since it's either been too hot 🌞 or too wet ☔ to do anything other than stay in lately. 😕
Still had housework and other chores to attend to throughout the week, but that's another matter.

In any event, I'm somewhere between Chapters 24 and 25 (because I haven't decided yet where to end 24 and officially start 25) on SOLITAIRE 2: THE AGENDA.
Regardless of chapter divisions, I have broken the 40,000+ word mark, which roughly makes the first draft of the manuscript about 2/3 complete as I post this, with 60,000 the minimum requirement to be considered a novel.

Twenty thousand words may not seem like much to some people, but a lot can happen within them. 😉
Of course after the first draft is complete, it goes to My Friendly Neighborhood Beta-Proofreader for review and then I go back over it again before submission, so Book 2 will be out about this time in 2024 at the earliest. But if you're anxious to see what all the fuss is about, SOLITAIRE'S debut novel (no subtitle) is still available in print and e-formats on Amazon from Airship 27.

Going back to writing now.
Take care.
And I'll see you around the Internet.

Lee Houston, Junior
16 July, 2023

Sunday, July 9, 2023


 Well, I finished the previously mentioned Chapter 23 to SOLITAIRE, BOOK 2: THE AGENDA; but
when I went back over it again before starting Chapter 24 I wasn't happy with it so I added a couple of new scenes while rewriting a few others to some extent and broke the 38,000+ word mark in the process!

WHY? The image above holds the answer.

I could have left the chapter alone as is and already be well into 24, or maybe even starting Chapter 25 by now, but I want to offer the readers the best I can humanly create each time, and the new version of 23 is much better in regards to plot, drama and decoys.

Can't say much more without giving things away so on that cryptic note♫, take care.
And I'll see you around the Internet.

Lee Houston, Junior
9 July, 2023

And for those who came in late, SOLITAIRE's debut novel is still available in print and e-book formats from Amazon.

Sunday, July 2, 2023



01. First I would like to thank my loyal readership (and maybe their bots too) for granting this humble blog of mine 8,193 page views during June 2023.
That is the highest this site has ever reached.😀
Of course The Free Choice E-zine had 39,868 page views😲 during June, hence my comment about bots because somehow my work always gets "targeted", for lack of a better term, once or twice a year but as long as whoever is on the other end of the page view is actually reading my work...
Cover art by Ted Hammond

02. Sales of the first SOLITAIRE novel seem to be doing well.
Granted the only real indicator I have of this is that every time I visit the book's Amazon page, it's ranking has changed.
Not by any great leaps or bounds but there's enough of a modest alteration each time, especially in the sub-categories, to realize that folks are interested in the debut adventure of the Clandestine Crusader.😁
Whether or not you already have your copy, I hope you enjoy the book.
Which leads us to—

03. Writing is going good on SOLITAIRE 2: THE AGENDA.
About to have Chapter 23 finished and break the 37,000+ word mark in the process.
Obviously there's still have a lot of writing to do so I better get back to it.

With that in mind take care.
I'll see you around the Internet and, for those celebrating Tuesday,
I hope everyone has a happy, safe and responsible

Lee Houston, Junior
2 July, 2023