Sunday, May 26, 2019


It's the Memorial Day weekend here in the United States, and I hope everyone takes a moment out of
their day to remember those who are either currently or have served their respective countries so that you can enjoy the freedoms and liberties you enjoy today.

With that said, work is proceeding apace on my Sherlock Holmes story for Airship 27.
There isn't a day that doesn't go by when I have to pause what I'm doing to look up something.
At times it can be frustrating, especially the longer it takes to acquire the answer to something obscure.
Yet sometimes it is the small details that could trip up a writer and throw a reader completely out of a story if you're not careful.
After all, Sherlock Holmes was a walking encyclopedia of knowledge without the benefit of a computer or tablet.
How would it look if he got something wrong?😕

In any event, I better get back to writing now.
See you around the Internet.
Lee Houston, Junior
26 May, 2019

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