Sunday, April 1, 2018


Unusual time at the moment, with Easter and April Fools' Day both falling on the first of the month this year.

In any event, got some serious work done on the Companion Dragons' adventure this past week.
Am approaching the 25,000 word mark, with the minimum goal of 30,000 in sight.
Maximum word count is 35,000 words on these novellas, but I'll have the tale wrapped up before then.

Will admit that it's been harder to do than I first thought, trying to find a balancing act between adventure and maintaining a "G" rating, or "Y7" if this was a television program.
Not sure how all those other series do it.
After all, you have to have some danger and excitement during the adventure, yet you don't want to scare your audience so much that you lose them.

Definitely will have the dragon slayed, I mean: finished this month, with the completion of HUGH MONN, PRIVATE DETECTIVE, BOOK 3: FEMME FATALE my immediate goal afterward.
After that...???

But while the weather hasn't really shown any major signs of improvement yet—where the heck is Spring???—there is one bright ray of hope on the horizon.

The 2018 Baseball ⚾ season has begun!😁 GO RED SOX!

Take care, and I'll see you around the Internet.
Lee Houston, Junior
1 April, 2018

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