Sunday, December 24, 2017


Well, as I suspected at the end of my previous Progress Report, I really didn't get much of anything done writing wise this past week.
Not even on the short story projects I've been tackling while waiting for my friendly neighborhood beta-proofreader to come back on duty from the holidays and go over what I recently sent her on HUGH MONN, PRIVATE DETECTIVE, BOOK 3: FEMME FATALE.

Maybe I should do what Nancy Hansen has been doing and next year just take the last couple of weeks off and really enjoy the holiday season to its fullest.

In any event, since today is Christmas Eve and tomorrow Christmas Day, I know I won't get any writing done before Tuesday at the earliest.
So just let me take a moment to wish everyone reading these words the happiest of holidays and remember: it's not the material things in life, but who you're with that matters most.

Lee Houston, Junior
24 December, 2017

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