Sunday, August 23, 2015


Chapter 16 IS done!

Fourth time/revision was the charm. Am working on Chapter 17 of ALPHA, BOOK 2: WAYWARD SON now, with the novel projected to be 18 chapters long.
There might actually be a 19th, but we'll see how things turn out.

For those of you wondering why this takes so long, please remember that authors also have commitments and responsibilities in the real world to deal with and honor besides those in the creative realm of writing.

For example, housework and other chores kept me from my computer until after dinner today. Meanwhile, besides being my friendly neighborhood beta/proofread, Nancy Hansen also has her own writing projects to take care of along with a host of other things to deal with in real life; including helping to babysit her grandchildren on a regular basis.

Barring anything unforeseen, the manuscript should be done by the end of September 2015, although it will still require a final pass in its entirety before submitting the novel to the publisher.

*Legends of New Pulp, the Tommy Hancock benefit anthology from Airship 27 is aiming for a Fall 2015 release while the Super Swingin' Hero 1968 Special (anthology) from Mechanoid Press will hopefully be out in time for Christmas.

Meanwhile, I better get back to writing now.
See you around the Internet.
Lee Houston, Junior
23 August, 2015

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