Sunday, September 29, 2024




I did manage to finish Chapter 32 of SOLITAIRE 2: THE AGENDA.
I have all the physics finally worked out and it's a great action scene, if I do say so myself.
As it stands at the moment, I'm almost at the 57,000 word mark and figure there are at least another 3-5 chapters to create in order to finish the first draft of the manuscript.

UNFORTUNATELY, I haven't been able to accomplish much since then because I had to get ready for a colonoscopy at the end of last week and will be making my semi-annual pilgrimage to go see my cardiologist at the beginning of this coming week.

When you get to be "that age", on one hand you're seriously happy to still be around but are shocked over some of the things you have to go through to stay that way.
Especially when you have outlived the manufacturer's warranty. 😉
Take the colonoscopy for example.
This was only the second in my entire lifetime, but it was as enjoyable as trying to push a boulder uphill during a blizzard.
The Prep Liquid certainly tasted better than during the previous test a decade ago.
Last time I mixed this powder into a gallon of water and had to drink it all down within X amount of time.
Even the "flavor packets" the prep came with did absolutely nothing to help the situation.

Preparation now involved two prepackaged bottles that I had to drink at specific times in regards to when my colonoscopy was scheduled to be performed.
I swear the stuff tasted like someone liquified a cheeseburger with extra onions.
But regardless of my thoughts on the subject, when that stuff "hits"...

In any event, I better get back to writing now.
Take care.
Have a great week, and I'll see you around the Internet.

Lee Houston, Junior
29 September, 2024

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