Sunday, September 15, 2024


 Maybe it's my age or flair for nostalgia, but I remember Saturday mornings past when all I did was just sit in front of the television and watch the various animated offerings between the three (yes, only three back then) networks of the day: ABC, CBS and NBC.
Times have seriously changed over the years. There are a LOT more channels than there ever used to be but far less cartoons to watch.
Then again, my Saturday yesterday was mostly housework when I wasn't trying to post THE WEEK IN REVIEW for The Free Choice E-zine.

In any event, I have managed to get some writing done on SOLITAIRE 2: THE AGENDA this past week when I wasn't addressing and dealing with other obligations.

Although I'm still on Chapter 32 at the moment, I'm well into the 55,000+ word neighborhood and another major action sequence.

Cover: Jeffery Hayes/Plasma Fire Graphics
Wish I could say more, but after my author's bio there IS a sneak peak of the work in progress at the end of CODE NAME: INTREPID CLASSIFIED, VOLUME 3, available in print and e-book on Amazon. (Nice lead in, huh? 😉)

With “Storm Front” by series creator Robert J. Mendenhall, John L. French's “Operation Wayback”, Brian K. Lowe's  “The Alpine Affair”, Brian K. Morris'  “Heavenly Unbound”, James Palmer's  “Feat of Clay” and my story “Operation Colossus”.

Lot of adventurous great reading there.
Better get back to writing now.
Take care.
And I'll see you around the Internet.

Lee Houston, Junior
15 September, 2024

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