Sunday, September 22, 2024


 I had to scrap most of what I had originally written for Chapter 32 of SOLITAIRE 2: THE AGENDA because when I had my Friendly Neighborhood Beta Proofreader and a few other friends go over that section, they discovered that the physics involved just wouldn't work despite what you see in the visual mediums of movies, television and comic books. 😟

Obviously I'm now in the middle of seriously rewriting that action scene into something much more viable while being at least just as exciting as the previous incarnation.
Hopefully I'll have all the bugs worked out within the next day or so and the first draft of the manuscript completed before the major fall/winter holidays that will be upon us at the end of the year.

Guess what I got in the mail this past week?

I was totally flabbergasted to receive a contributor's copy of CODE NAME: INTREPID CLASSIFIED
Volume 3 from Robert J. Mendenhall and Blue Planet Press because I've never been given a Contributor's Copy of anything before.
Granted, I've always been sent the PDF galley to review and correct any possible mistakes before publication of any book I written or project I contributed to, but this was a whole new experience for me.

I hope those who have already purchased their print or e-copy of the anthology have enjoyed the adventures presented by John L. French, Brian K. Lowe, Brian K. Morris, James Palmer, Robert and myself.

And if you haven't had the opportunity yet, you are missing out on some seriously exciting stories.

In any event, I better get back to writing now.
Take care.
And I'll see you around the Internet.

Lee Houston, Junior
22 September, 2024

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