Sunday, June 2, 2024



While not the official galley, for that won't be sent until closer to publication, I have gone back over my "Operation Colossus" story and made a few tweaks and corrections at Robert J. Mendenhall's request.

For those interested, the new word count is now at 9,579; so I remain well above the 7,500 minimum and below the 10,000 maximum.
The adventure is still on track for inclusion in the third volume of his ongoing CODE NAME INTREPID CLASSIFIED anthology series, which will be available sometime after Labor Day 2024.

Other than the brief INTREPID pause, I have started going back over SOLITAIRE 2: THE AGENDA in preparation for picking up where I left off to finish writing the second novel in the Mysterious Samaritan's ongoing series from Airship 27.
I'm only in the middle of Chapter 2 at the moment and the word count has just changed by 3 words, but I'm not worried about its total length at the present time.
I just want SOLITAIRE'S latest adventure, like all my writing efforts, to be the best I can create.

In any event, I better get back to it.
Take care.
And I'll see you around the Internet.

Lee Houston, Junior
2 June, 2024

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