Sunday, March 7, 2021



My 59th birthday came and went Friday.
Chocolate Meringue, my favorite
Depending upon how close we are, those that knew either wished me well or helped me celebrate the best we could in these troubled times.😷

The corporation that is managing the Doctor Seuss literary legacy has decided to stop publishing six of his books because they are out of date politically incorrect for today's society.
I can understand the concerns, but to no longer publish seems a little drastic to me.
Why not just edit out the offensive parts or simply add a disclaimer at the beginning?
After all, it's not like the good Doctor intentionally went out of his way to offend anyone even when the "standards and practices" were vastly different back then.

And as for why you are here to begin with, I have completed 18 chapters (counting the prologue) and am at a little over 31,000+ words on the SCIENCE FICTON NOVEL as well as managed to do more proofreading on the SOLITAIRE manuscript this past week.
But I obviously took March 5 off for the reason listed above.🥳🎂
Now for a brief moment to look ahead...

Tomorrow (March 8) is International Women's Day.
Out of all the various social groups in existence, women are at least one of, if not THE worst treated in all of history.
They've been belittled, their importance downplayed and regulated to little more than wife and homemaker in centuries past. Even when they could officially enter the job market, they have been payed less for doing the same job as a male counterpart, who usually took credit for the lady's accomplishments and got the promotions long before she might have even been considered a possibility.
While there have been noticeable improvements since the 1970s, there is still a LONG way to go, especially to recover the ground lost during the 45th "President's" administration.
In any event, I wish ALL women well.

Take care, and I'll see you around the Internet.
Lee Houston, Junior
7 March, 2021

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