Sunday, September 20, 2020


First item on my agenda for today.
A friendly reminder that Airship 27 is still open for any new artists wanting to do interior and/or cover illustrations for their publications.
All interested parties can contact Ron Fortier either through Facebook or the company website.

Now then, unfortunately there wound up not being as much writing time last week as I hoped there would be. Not through any mistakes on my part, just the way life goes sometimes.
But I did manage into get to Chapter 28 and well past 58,000 words on the SOLITAIRE novel.

I've got a few scenes, including the Epilog, already written, but it's getting from where I'm at right now to the point where I can add the other material that's been the problem.
Especially the fight/action sequences.
I can see those playing out in my head, but getting them into words is another matter.
I'm sure other writers have had similar experiences.

In any event, I better get back to writing now.
Take care. STAY SAFE! 😷
And I'll see you around the Internet.
Lee Houston, Junior
20 September, 2020

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