Sunday, September 13, 2020


Three MAJOR items to mention this week, so let's get right to them.

SHERLOCK HOLMES in "THE ADVENTURE OF THE UNIMAGINABLE" HAS been accepted for publication by Airship 27!😀
Projected publication is in the soon to be released next volume of their SHERLOCK HOLMES, CONSULTING DETECTIVE series!
I'll have more details the closer we draw near to whatever the release date is.

I'm back at work on the SOLITAIRE novel!
Currently at 57,000+ words in Chapter 27. Once the first draft is done, it still has to go to my friendly neighborhood beta-proofreader for review and a final polish by me before the manuscript is submitted for publication by whoever, but this leads us into Item...

Nancy Hansen will be unavailable for proofreading duties until after Halloween because she's on a tight deadline for a new project.
She, Jim Beard, James Palmer, Russell Nohelty, Teel James Glenn and John C. Bruening are getting together in hopes of completing the Kaiju trilogy with the final volume: WAR ON MONSTER EARTH, but they need YOUR help!
If you're able to contribute to help defray production/publication costs, please visit their Kick Starter page and donate.

In any event, I better get back to my own writing now.
Take care, STAY SAFE!😷
And I'll see you around the Internet.
Lee Houston, Junior
13 September, 2020

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