Sunday, November 17, 2019


♫Second verse. Same as the first.♫—Henry the 8th by Herman's Hermits.
Or in other words, still working on the SOLITAIRE novel.
Am currently on Chapter Twelve, 28,000+ words into the project.
The first half of the novel takes place in New York City.
The second half???
We'll see...

"And now for something completely different."—Monty Python's Flying Circus.

Every other Thursday night (or thereabouts, because I don't know yet how or if we'll be doing the next one since it should be the week of Thanksgiving) I gather online with a few friends.
We hang out, discuss writing, and read what we've worked on since our last meeting.
Writing a lot of times can be a singular, solitary occupation so it's great to have a chance to discuss doing so with others who actually know what I'm talking about.
Their enthusiasm, encouragement, and advice helps too.
So here's to Jaime Ramos, Teel James Glenn, Wayne Carey, and Nancy Hansen.
I'm honored to be your friend.

Better get back to writing now.
Take care, and I'll see you all around the Internet.
Lee Houston, Junior
17 November, 2019

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