Sunday, May 17, 2015


Okay folks, let's take stock of where I am at the moment.

I will be making the final proofreading of my invitational short story and sending it in to the publisher this week.

Chapter 15 of ALPHA, BOOK 2: WAYWARD SON is done. Chapter 16 is waiting for my friendly neighborhood beta-proofreader to say her schedule is clear so I can send it to her for review, and I'm working on Chapter 17.

Although there is no deadlines on them, I want to get at least one of the two short stories I originally committed to this year done before I take on my next novel size project.
What I've been referring to as "The Invitational Short Story" is a project separate from the existing commitments that the publisher asked if I would be interested in writing.

I am kicking around some ideas for whatever will become HUGH MONN, PRIVATE DETECTIVE: BOOK 3, but I haven't made any final(?) decisions on that project yet.

And there is a few other ideas that have been bouncing around in my mind of late, but what will become of them remains to be seen.

Over all a pretty interesting, if not completely productive writing week if I do say so myself.
Better get back to it now.
See you around the Internet.
Lee Houston, Junior
17 May, 2015

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