Sunday, August 18, 2024


 The writing is going well on SOLITAIRE 2: THE AGENDA. ๐Ÿ˜€

That major action scene I'm still working on has extended into Chapter 30 and I'm on the verge of breaking the 53,000+ word mark, although there is still more in the overall novel to create before I can happily write "The End".

Of course family commitments, housework and other responsibilities play a part of my every day life, but I'm glad for the time I am able to sit down and just work on my creative endeavors.

We are drawing ever closer to the launch date for CODE NAME INTREPID: CLASSIFIED VOLUME 3; featuring the stories of John L. French, Brian K. Lowe, Brian K. Morris, James Palmer, series creator Robert J. Mendenhall and my own "Operation Colossus".

Cover: Jeffery Hayes/PlasmaFire Graphics
Even if I didn't have a story involved I would still recommend the collection, for the idea of a group fighting any threat "outside the realm of normal circumstances" while trying to prevent Adolf Hitler from gathering every possible item—regardless of its origin—that could help Germany win the upcoming Second World War is an interesting premise to begin with.
PLUS: Each author has a preview of either an existing or forthcoming project at the end of the anthology, which includes a sneak peak of S2: THE AGENDA in my case!

So with that said, I better get back to writing now.
Take care.
And I'll see you around the Internet.

Lee Houston, Junior
18 August, 2024

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