Sunday, August 11, 2024


 Although it has extended into Chapter 30, I'm still in the middle of that major fight sequence I told you about last week for SOLITAIRE 2: THE AGENDA.

As long time readers and fans of both this blog and my work in general know, I try to make everything I write/create the best I humanly can.
No Artificial Intelligence at work here.
It's all 100% natural! 😉

I also spiced up the tightrope walking sequence a bit while making sure it was as accurate as possible.
Not that I personally have ever been on one.
Stuff like that should definitely be left to the professionals!
Like Solitaire.
But it's amazing what you can find on the Internet if you look hard enough.

Cover by Jeffrey Hayes/Plasma Fire Graphics!
In any event, other than a friendly reminder that CODE NAME INTREPID CLASSIFIED VOLUME 3 will be out soon featuring the work of John L. French, Brian K. Lowe, Brian K. Morris, James Palmer, series creator Robert J. Mendenhall and myself, I better get back to writing now so take care.
And I'll see you around the Internet.

Lee Houston, Junior
11 August, 2024

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