Sunday, February 3, 2019


At just a little over 7,000+ words (out of a 10,000 maximum limit), I'm still working on my Zephyr Lily story for Jim Beard's upcoming 1970s anthology.

Now, for those who came in late, I love the comic book medium.
Always have, and probably always will, despite how dang expensive the darn things are getting nowadays.
When I first started reading, and I do stress the R word here, they were only 20 CENTS for 20 pages of story and art per issue. A lot of titles featured a COMPLETE lead story AND a second feature for that price!
But nowadays...

Enough reminiscing, for now.
Got a busy week ahead of me, including a dentist appointment on Tuesday.
Hopefully I'll get more done, let alone approach writing THE END to my current project, but that remains to be seen.

In any event, I better get back to it now.
See you around the Internet.
Lee Houston, Junior
3 February, 2019

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