Since I don't post PROGRESS REPORTS on Saturdays, I hope those who celebrated had a good Doctor Who Day November 23.
Now then,
as mentioned last week, ♫I'm back in the saddle again♫ to quote one of my dad's heroes: Gene Autry, trying to catch up on my writing.
At the moment I'm still transcribing all my hand written notes.
After I finished those to complete SOLITAIRE 2: THE AGENDA, I started a new novel called ZEPHYR LILY.
The title lady was originally to be my contribution to Jim Beard's 1970s set sequel to the SUPER SWINGIN' HEROES 1968 SPECIAL Anthology from Mechanoid Press.
That project unfortunately got canceled, but Jim was nice enough to let everyone keep the material(s) they were working on, hence I still have LILY.
I had no luck finding a home for the original short story, so I'm rewriting and fleshing out the entire plot and concept into a full length novel.
In the coming weeks I'll share more details about who ZEPHYR LILY is but, since I'm in a musical mood today, ♫“Where it all ends I can't fathom, my friends,♫ to quote Jimmy Buffett.
However, there is no way I will let good material wither in my files.
I still have Chapter 2 to finish transcribing, which will give me about the first 5000 words to the overall manuscript.
Once that's done, I will take a short break to go back over and proofread SOLITAIRE 2 before sending it off to Airship 27 for publication.
Then I will be devoting at least the rest of 2024 to ZEPHYR LILY, when I'm not dealing with
The Free Choice E-zine and the rest of my life's responsibilities.
The latter includes the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday weekend, which will be spent with friends and family.
Sadly, as the years pass and times change, there are two personal Thanksgiving traditions that I have been unable to observe since the start of the current millennium.
Enjoying the annual Mystery Science Theatre 3000 Turkey Day marathon and one particular episode of WKRP In Cincinnati.
In any event, I hope those celebrating remember to be thankful for the good things you have in life, and I'll see you around the Internet.
Take care.
Lee Houston, Junior
24 November, 2024