In any event, am on Chapter 10 (or 11, counting the Prologue) of the SCIENCE FICTION PROJECT. A little under 20,000 words on this rip roaring adventure at the moment, but I'm having a great time writing it.
Writing is a productive way of escaping the stress and worries of the world for a while and you have something to show for the time afterward.
I've also managed to get more proofreading done on SOLITAIRE.Back in the Japan section of that novel, so when I get to the point where My Friendly Neighborhood Beta-Proofreader left off, I'll return it to her so she can finish going over it. Then when she's finished, I'll go over the rest of her notes and submit it for publication.
It may seem like a long and drawn out process to some, but it's a wiser course of action to always submit the best work you possibly can for publication than risk rejection over a manuscript that's far from finished.
In any event, I've got to get back to writing now.
Take care.
And I'll see you around the Internet.
Lee Houston, Junior
31 January, 2021