Sunday, January 12, 2020


♫If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all...♫
At least I'm still here!
It's been a pretty rough week since the last Progress Report...
My car broke down, forcing me to miss the TWO doctor (and I've still yet to have one with a TARDIS owner!😉) appointments that were scheduled.
One's been rescheduled for later this month, and the other rescheduling is pending.
THANKFULLY the car has been fixed so I am mobile again. 😀
But if you haven't figured out yet where all of this is leading to...
Unfortunately I got hardly any writing done last week on anything at all beyond my blogging responsibilities between here and The Free Choice E-zine.
So I'm chomping at the bit (so to speak) to get back to it.
I am going to try to finish SHERLOCK HOLMES: THE ADVENTURE OF THE UNIMAGINABLE before I return to the SOLITAIRE novel.
So with that in mind...

Take care everybody, and I'll see you around the Internet.
Lee Houston, Junior
12 January, 2020

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