Granted, all of it was concentrated upon the SOLITAIRE novel in progress, but anyway...
May have to pause that project soon, but just to go over the second half's plot before I get too far into it and realize I missed the proverbial "left turn at Albuquerque."😉
That would result in having to backtrack to the point wherever things started going wrong and begin rewriting from there.
Main problem at the moment is I'm having trouble visualizing a key fight scene and transferring it accurately from my mind to the computer screen.

At the moment it's the bridging sequence between the second and third "acts".
With everything needing to come to a satisfactory conclusion by the end of the story, I want to make the transition between sequences read more smoothly than just inserting a scene break.
Thankfully neither project has an actual deadline, so I can take as long as I need to make sure both tales are the best I can humanly make them. Yet SOLITAIRE has been "hot" right now, so that's why I've been concentrating on it so much lately.
In any event, I better get back to writing now.
Take care, and I'll see you around the Internet.
Lee Houston, Junior
27 October, 2019