I am certainly glad that this past week is over and done with.😣
The eye exam went well. Mine are as healthy as a 56 year old man's can be. 😎
Still need the reading glasses, but at least the prescription hasn't changed.
Eye health is as important as anything else concerning your well being, and I do the best I can to stay well, living a post congestive heart failure and aortic aneurysm life.
But because of the eye exam and some other stuff, I didn't get much writing done this past week. 😢
Hopefully things will be back to what passes for "normal" soon.
Still on HUGH MONN, PRIVATE DETECTIVE, BOOK 3: FEMME FATALE, so I better get back to writing now.
Take care, and I'll see you around the Internet.
Lee Houston, Junior
28 October, 2018
The eye exam went well. Mine are as healthy as a 56 year old man's can be. 😎
Still need the reading glasses, but at least the prescription hasn't changed.
Eye health is as important as anything else concerning your well being, and I do the best I can to stay well, living a post congestive heart failure and aortic aneurysm life.
But because of the eye exam and some other stuff, I didn't get much writing done this past week. 😢
Hopefully things will be back to what passes for "normal" soon.
Still on HUGH MONN, PRIVATE DETECTIVE, BOOK 3: FEMME FATALE, so I better get back to writing now.
Take care, and I'll see you around the Internet.
Lee Houston, Junior
28 October, 2018