Sunday, June 25, 2017


"I'm... back???"
Well, the third time, week was the charm.
Sort of.
It wasn't until Thursday of this past week, but I finally got some writing done over the last couple of days! 😁

Did some work on my 1970s story for Jim Beard's forthcoming anthology project AND I managed to write down some notes and other thoughts for a project that I've been mulling around for a while now.
When that ever becomes a fully completed manuscript remains to be seen.
Right now I've got to concentrate more on my 1970s tale and HUGH MONN, PRIVATE DETECTIVE: Book 3.

But this week should be back to what passes for "normal", if such a term even exists, let alone can be accurately applied to the life of a writer.

In any event, take care everybody, and I'll see you around the Internet.
Lee Houston, Junior
25 June, 2017

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