Sunday, November 7, 2021


Hello Everybody.
Can't really call this a PROGRESS REPORT because other than blogging, I haven't really gotten back into the swing of writing again yet.
Not that I haven't wanted to. It's been on my mind a lot lately.
When I do, it will probably be easier to pick up where I left off on the SCIENCE FICTION PROJECT than attempting to resume the SHERLOCK HOLMES mystery I started before heart surgery for the time being because the Victorian Era Consulting Detective requires a lot of forethought and concentration and, for whatever reason(s), the latter I've had in short supply lately.

I know part of my problem(s) at the moment is that I just don't feel like my old self pre-second heart surgery.
I go to bed early enough and fall asleep rather quickly.
The first time.
But then Nature calls sometime during the night and when I try to get back to bed after answering that page...

A whole lot of people are telling me I shouldn't try to push myself too much.
I thought they just meant physically.
After all, other than pushing the keyboard buttons in the right sequences to record what you're thinking, how physical is writing anyway? 😕

Went for my follow up visit with the heart surgeon this past week.
Other than telling me not to eat any foods high in Vitamin K because that is basically an anti Warfarin/Coumadin chemical, I probably won't be seeing him again.
But Vitamin K turns out to be in a WHOLE LOT of stuff! Some I don't like to begin with. Other things I can easily give up, and some that I will have to start exercising more moderation on.

Speaking of which, barring anything unforeseen, I will probably be starting heart rehab sometime after Thanksgiving.
I still have my first follow up appointment with my Cardiologist this week and my (for now) weekly blood test to see where my Warfarin level is because that has yet to be completely achieved and maintained.
Once maintenance has been established, the blood tests can go monthly.

But the heart is a long term issue.
Writing is another matter.
Hopefully I will get "back in the saddle" soon.

Until then...
Lee Houston, Junior
7 November, 2021

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