After having to pause for the passing of both Derrick Ferguson and Felix Silla over the last couple of weeks, it's good to get back to a regular Progress Report for a change.
I did have to stop and write a memorial for an upcoming tribute book to Derrick.
Otherwise, worked on my SCIENCE FICTION PROJECT this past week.
Have 22 Chapters plus a Prologue and over 42,000+ words so far.
Am working toward 60 to 65,000 so obviously will be reaching the climax and at least some resolution(s) soon since I'm hoping this novel will just be the first episode of a long ongoing series.
The only other news I have is on the personal front.
I have received my second COVID-19 Vaccination shot over a week ago and feel terrific!
No side effects. No microchips or mutations.
So what the {censored} was all the fuss and other BS about?
But I still intend to keep wearing my mask in public until everyone is vaccinated and there is a global "All clear!"
Even against all the (un)known variants lurking about.
In any event, I better get back to writing now.
Take care.
And I'll see you around the Internet.
Lee Houston, Junior