Sunday, July 5, 2020


I hope everyone has had a good and safe Fourth of July weekend.
There is still a lot going on in the world right now between the pandemic, racial tensions and all the other troubles humanity is currently facing but if you're reading this, then you're still alive and that's a start!
Hopefully in time we can work everything out.

Chapter 21 and over 46,000 words into the current novel as SOLITAIRE has gone on to the next leg of the adventure.
From New York City to Tokyo, Japan and now the Australian Outback.
If there was only some way I could collect frequent flyer miles for my imagination...😉
Then again, it's probably a lot safer right now just to sit at my computer and let my mind wander.

In any event take care, STAY SAFE, and I'll see you around the Internet.
Lee Houston, Junior
5 July, 2020

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