Sunday, January 27, 2019


FINISHED my review of Nancy Hansen's next fantasy novel!
Good reading, and her fans should not only get excited over this book when it's eventually released, but be prepared for a shock when they come across that one surprise plot twist I talked to you about last week.

I AM working on my "Zephyr Lily" story for Jim Beard's upcoming 1970s anthology now.
Am at almost 6500 words (of 10,000 maximum) and the tale is reading like a prose adventure from some of the great comics that debuted in the decade of disco, Star Wars, and the bicentennial.

I may not be a prolific writer when it comes to overall output, but man, the quality of these assembled words has to be some of my best work yet!

In any event, I better get back to writing now.
See you around the Internet.
Lee Houston, Junior
27 January, 2019

Sunday, January 20, 2019


At this point, I'm less than 30 pages away from finishing going over my friendly neighborhood beta-
proofreader's latest fantasy novel and I must say that it is not only one hell of a read, but that there was a plot twist about halfway through that I did NOT expect!

In the fairness of full disclosure, Nancy Hansen is my friend and we trade our various manuscripts back and forth between each other all the time for reviews and opinions, but still...

Once this is completed, finishing ZEPHYR LILY for Jim Beard will be the next stop on my Winter 2019 agenda as I try to stay warm, but I also have to go out on 3 different occasions this coming week, so how things actually turn out remains to be seen.

In any event, I better get back to work now.
Take care, and I'll see you around the Internet.
Lee Houston, Junior
20 January, 2019

Sunday, January 13, 2019


Still wearing my editor's hat as I go over my friendly neighborhood beta-proofreader's latest fantasy novel manuscript while she reviews what will be HUGH MONN, PRIVATE DETECTIVE, BOOK 3: FEMME FATALE.

Won't spoil any of the details for you but, even though I'm only about halfway through it at the moment, this IS a tightly written book and a fast paced adventure.
I truly think Nancy Hansen's long time readers and any fantasy fan alike will enjoy this novel when it's eventually published.

But inbetween giving this manuscript back to Nancy and reviewing her thoughts on HUGH to finalize that novel for submission to the publisher, I WILL be fast-forwarding to the 1970s to finish "Zephyr Lily" for Jim Beard first.

So with that thought in mind, I better get back to work now.
Take care, and I'll see you around the Internet.
Lee Houston, Junior
13 January, 2019

Saturday, January 5, 2019


Can you believe that this is the first Progress Report for 2019???

Editor's Hat
Anyway, I'm starting out the year wearing my Editor's Hat as I review my friendly neighborhood beta-proofreader's latest fantasy novel while she reviews HUGH MONN, PRIVATE DETECTIVE, BOOK 3: FEMME FATALE.

Whenever I finish that, I have to complete the "Zephyr Lily" story for Jim Beard's 1970s super hero anthology project before I go back over Hugh myself.

When Hugh is completely finished I will send it on to the publisher and then (probably) begin work on whatever becomes the third novel in the PROJECT ALPHA superhero series.

All this while taking care of housework and other life necessities!

In any event, I better get back to it, so take care and I'll see you around the Internet.
Lee Houston, Junior
6 January, 2019