Sunday, July 7, 2024


 I have finished Chapter 28 of SOLITAIRE 2: THE AGENDA and am currently on Chapter 29 as the
overall manuscript approaches the 51,000+ word mark.

As usual life has had its own demands along the way, so not every moment of my day is at the keyboard writing, but I do make those that are count.
In any event, I am proud of the work I've done so far on this manuscript between the latter months of 2023 and what I've accomplished in 2024 so far.

The computer crash, the death of beloved pet Ariel the Wonder Dog and the passing of my father have taken their toll over the first half of this year.
I hope everyone understands that I just didn't really feel like talking about my personal losses, especially the latter considering I wasn't able to fly back to Texas for his funeral. 😢

Yet somehow I've persevered, even to the point of managing to write "Operation: Colossus" for the third volume of Robert J. Mendenhall's CODE NAME INTREPID CLASSIFIED anthology, which is now scheduled for a pre-Labor Day release next month.

Robert had the space available in Volume 3, which he is allowing contributors a chance to share brief excerpts of their work with Intrepid readers, so there WILL be a Sneak Peak of S2: THE AGENDA in that volume!😀😁😎

So I better get back to writing now to ensure that S2 really is "a forth coming release from Airship 27".
Take care.
And I'll see you around the Internet.

Lee Houston, Junior
7 July, 2024

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